Back to work

Currently on the subway to work, feeling hungry and tired. Trying to talk myself into the right decisions. I have Starbucks gift cards, going to get a matcha latte. I have Mush overnight oats, I’m going to add some AG1 and add the rest to my Amy’s frozen bowl that I brought for lunch. 

As I skim work emails, I feel my anxiety rising. A critical meeting was pushed up a day without notice. I worry if my team will do what they need to do. One person maybe out sick for a half day, maybe the whole day. I will have to pick up some of their work. Deadlines need to be met. Can I hit it out if the park if I come back with fresh eyes and a fresh perspective? Panic does not add any value, must stay calm, cool, and collected. 

My heel is hurting a little, maybe I need to remove a little more callus. This is not the fresh start that I envisioned. But change is hard. And it will be rewarding. I hope my husband can stay focused with me. We both need it.


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