Listening to this audiobook. Going on a spending fast, I wonder how fast I can pay off my debt. No dinners out, no movies, no trips. Cut out all unnecessary spending, only what I absolutely need to survive.
How much can I pay off in the first 6 months of the year? Can I pay off $10k?
Why do I need the shopping high? It doesn’t last very long. How can I get those same feelings without spending a dime?
Will I start to really feel alive? My new way of life.
Every extra penny towards debt. Get out of debt hella fast. Say no, and make better choices. Financial I willing to do what needs to be done?
Being broke seems shameful. Make it public, be free. Stop pretending I have everything together. I have problems but I’m willing to make some changes. Tell everyone, everywhere. Stay accountable. Don’t give up.
This will be tough but this is something I’ve known that I need to do for a long time. I need to get my life in order. Design the life that I want to live. Will change my life for the better. When it’s over all of those things will still be there. Be more creative how to hang out with friends. I will have more free time. Show friends you care through other means than material things.
Write up a get out of debt plan. Difficult process, will need encouragement along the way.
How much do I really owe?
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