Hitting my stride

Today everything seems like it’s coming together perfectly. Things are smooth at work. I rearranged the kitchen tonight, and the impact is huge. It didn’t feel like too much work either. Something just clicked in my brain, and it feels really good. Items are getting crossed off of my to do list.

I watched YouTube videos tonight about “Velocity Banking”… how to pay off your debt faster. It gave me so many ideas, and might be the key to achieving some of my goals. Right now my mind feels like a sponge, not sure if it’s because I deleted social media apps from my phone, and now there is room to let things into my brain again. 

Next Monday is Martin Luther King Day and we have the day off of work. Not sure what I will plan for my extra day off yet. On Saturday, Izzy told me he wants to hang art in our apartment, which was one of the items from out to do list. And I want to show him the Velocity Banking videos, I think it could help him too.


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